get the chain saw out.. it looks like its dying from some disease. look around the roots where it has been cut. doesn't look like it healed up...
alright mines might be around 20".. so number 5# pot would be 5gallion? and what should i use to make it course soil mixture? i have perlite right...
nobody? lol
hello i just bought a mikawa yatsubusa from vandemeers in whitby. its 2gallion pot. i was wondering i would like to keep it container grown. what...
Hello, im from whitby ontario, and im looking to get my hands on some japaneses maple seedlings, grafted trees. all the places on the internet an...
Well, i soak my seeds for 24-hours. im using a peat n perlite base medium. placed the seeds in there and i have them in the fridge. mine were...
has anyone germinated eastern redbud seeds. i bought 240 seed online fresh from this years crop i have them stratified right now.. i was wondering...
Hello, My name is Travis Owens, I have Just started my Seed stratification. First off, Last year i stratified few hundred maple seeds from ebay,...
hello, i took 100 weigela cuttings in the end of summer, they are all about 6" long still. i was wondering what should i do with them over winter....
hello i just bought some seeds of ebay once again. I ordered. Blue Chinse wisteria ( wisteria sinensis) Eastern Redbud Cercis Canadensis. I was...