Re: Mount Pleasant [ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH] These trees are across from Heritage Hall off Main Street. I think they are Spires. Check...
[ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH] These trees are between Prince Edward and Sophia on 18th. I think they are Accolades. I'll have to go back to take...
[ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH] Here is a photo of the Whitcombs at 15th and Sophia. There appears to be winter damage on the trees and you can...
Re: Mount Pleasant [ATTACH] [ATTACH][ATTACH] These trees are in bloom between Main and Sophia on 26th. The ones closer to Main street have more...
Re: Riley Park - 2009 POSTINGS START HERE First posting in 2009 [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Okay, this is my inaugural post. Here's a young tree at 26th...