Re: Vancouver Swap : Oct 18 - Discussion Hey - it was great seeing you all again and meeting new friends as well. I'll hopefully have more for...
Here's a link that might be useful in choosing suitable ones for your climate:
Yes it is very unusual for a trumpet lily to be blooming this late although they will sometimes bloom later than usual with a late planting. I...
Kleim's Hardy made in through last winter in a pot for me here.
Hello I got the Nan Jing's Beauty from Art's Tree Nursery in Richmond, BC but they don't do mail order and in any case they don't have anymore....
For fragrance, try Heliotrope which is actually a non-hardy perennial for us. Usually sold in the bedding plants section in Spring. Some Petunias...
Actually here in Zone 8 Vancouver, you don't need to move your pot for winter protection. It will be fine exactly where it is. You shouldn't have...
Yes, same treatment.
For us in the PNW, anytime is okay if you can put up with their looking ratty for a while but now is good since they're going to look ratty anyway.
Do cardiocrinum baby bulbs need to be separated from the parent or can they be kept growing as a clump as they form around the original bulb ?
You can plant the lily bulbs outside now. I just put some bonemeal in the planting hole and usually once in the spring after they have sprouted. I...
Aphrodite is fragrant and Phoenix in Richmond also has them. Royal Standard is also very fragrant.
Got this really quick reply from Bob Fincham: Quote The plant pictured isn't 'Blaukissen', it is too conical and the spring color is wrong. Do...