That's it. Thanks Eric.
I hope the photo shows up. It has berry-like red flowers in bloom right now. It's a pretty, deciduous vine. Medium green, single leaves. Thanks...
With some suggestions from Bob Duncan on Van. Island I was able to save a few blossoms over the winter. Almost all were killed by the frost but 4...
They were at Dinesen Nursery. They're a wholesaler so they don't advertise and you might not have considered them. I might try one yet. It would...
Hey pmurphy. I saw several last week at a nursery in Aldergrove. They were 7-8 ft with 2" cal. Really beautiful and some trial. An instant...
I was reading this forum with interest but surprised to see the entries all 7 - 8 years old :-) maybe now some of you have more experience with...