My experience as well. A lot of maples shine in the spring but the ones that sparkle in the summer are the most endearing to me. That said, I live...
I'm using something like 3 parts turface, 3 parts bark fines (reptibark as it's all I can find here), 2 parts pine bark compost, and 1 part...
Thank you @emery. I should mention that I’ve also lost a few this year but they were in tough locations and getting too much sun. Most of my trees...
It's been a record hot and dry year here in Austin Texas with temps over 40 degree C. On the positive side, it's showed me which maples are the...
The trick for hotter climates is water. You have to water the trees a lot! I give them a deep watering every 2 days like clockwork when the temps...
I source them from all over but yes Naguri Nishiki and Hot Blonde are from Mr Maple. Probably a few others as well.
This year I’m learning how much slower the Shirasawanums are than the Palmatums when it comes to opening up. It does vary by plant though. Here...
Thanks! This will be my second full year with most of them. I’ve found that plenty of water and well draining soil is key. I water every two days...
Akane: [ATTACH] Shigitatsu Sawa: [ATTACH] Kumoi Nishiki (probably my favorite): [ATTACH] Tsuma Gaki: [ATTACH] Autumn Moon: [ATTACH]...
Whoops, thank you Acerholic! Let’s try that again :) Hana Tsukasa: [IMG] Shojo No Mai: [IMG] Shoryu-no-tsume: [IMG] Jordan: [IMG]...
Naguri Nishiki with a surprising amount of variegation for here in Austin. This is my first year with it. I hope it lasts. [IMG]