Wow, bugs can be that bad indoors? Thanks for the advice! I was planning on tile of some kind, but the humidifier is a good idea... My only issue...
What about Surinam Powderpuff Trees? I like the Jacaranda, but it looks like the Mimosa might be too much hassle with the leaves dropping, endless...
Really? I am mainly designing this based on info found on the internet, I would love some advice! LOL Even in my imagination this project is... I want an indoor forest, LOL How much root space would you need to give a Ficus benjamina for it to get kinda big? Also, is it fairly...
Re: small <b>evergreen</b> tree for inside home Oh, good to know! I guess I should have just said- not a conifer! I will keep in mind the...
Hi, I am working on the logistics of building our first home which will be an earth-sheltered home (underground) in eastern Washington state, or...