technically king charles owns it! it is on crown land. and they make a real mess of cutting it. like the idea though! thank you heathen!
Not being agile I cannot get in the ditch, which has 6inches of water in it as well. Weed eaters don't seem long enough! It is 40 feet long....
Great idea! We don't want to trap anything. If we just fill up the hole! Thanks
This bare patch has straight sides all the way round and a hole at one end. about 9 inches across. wasps? no sign of any critters. ideas?
pics of what is maybe a cottonwood nearby. bark looks the same as our sucker plants. there are a few trees there but later in the year cottony...
UHOH!!! we do have a large cottonwood nearby... Thanks
SUCKERS!! no not you, that is what it looks like. does it look like a silver birch lying on the ground to you? about 3 inch round!! thanks
Thanks for the info
ithere is no stump, maybe that is a rock put there to keep the rabbits out. btw these rabbits do not make burrows so maybe they are hares. how...
if it is a weed..... thanks
thanks for looking