So Beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing your photos. Love them!
Vancouver has been remarkably warm this spring, unlike that last year which was called June-uary. I have family out in Ontario and they are...
Good luck! and you're welcome. A.
It is, Dranunculus vulgaris, I got ordered two from Veseys two years ago. Yes,...
Today my Dragon Arum (Dracunculus vulgaris) bloomed. This is the first year it bloomed, I'm very pleased so I thought to share.
yeah, that's possible, I looked up some pictures. I'll have to wait to see what happens as this one in my garden matures. Tho, the Phallus...
This Fungus/mushroom is growing EVERYWHERE around my oak tree and I don't know what it is, or if it's harmful to my oak or other plants. The...
You can give them a try. 5 gallons is pretty big, so i don't see why not. I'm all for experimenting to see what works. I don't have any formal...
In my opinion I'd put some of those pegs in now since you've put them in bigger pots and then look at the recommendations on the pack. I think it...
my mother always called them fairy buttons, don't know why, probably made it up herself since i loved fairies so much as a child. Does the...
I've had very good success growing many veggies in pots. My kitchen in on the second floor of my house so i like to have my greens near the...
So I received my Climate change dividend cheque in the mail yesterday. Is this a Canada wide thing or just BC? It came with a helpful list of...