I'm no expert, but it sounds like it's just leaf curl caused by uneven soil moisture; my plants have it to. It requires no treatment and doesn't...
Ohhhhh....some one after my own heart.... I live in Langley and planted peas and spinich in early March along with onion sets. We had a pretty...
I was down at West Coast Seeds retail store on Saturday and they had some. They are down off 64th in Landner. You could have a look at their...
Thank you for your comments, I'm looking out the window this morning at some pretty heavy frost, so waiting til Febuary seems reasonable....
Hi all, I live in Langley BC, and am wonder if anyone else in my area is planting peas. The seed package says that they can be planted as soon...
Hi there, My name is Angel, and this is my first time posting. I'm hoping for a little advice so here goes.... I am growing tomatoes in pots...