Thank you very much. Would you say the roots are damaged?
Yes, sorry I meant that they do produce fruit in Spring but will the wilted leaves affect the production?
A number of trees, some of which that produce fruit (that aren't edible) have leaves that have been wilting since a heavy storm a few weeks ago....
After a recent storm in Wellington, some of the leaves have turned from the usual lush green colour to have grey edges. Some of the branches are...
Unfortunately these mushrooms are on my neighbours property so I might have to get permission if I was to take a spore print. They have recently...
This is a very informative website regarding crop rotation:
Hi, I have noticed after a recent heavy rainfall, there are a variety of colourful mushrooms in my garden. Can any of you identify the type?...
Thanks very much. Would you say then that this fruit is edible?
I do not think it is the Chaenomeles because there are sharp thorns, shiny dark green leaves with some red leave on the tip of the branch. Also,...
This plant has dark green leaves with redddish leaves near the tip of the branch. There are long, thin thorns sticking out of the branch. From...