I have had visions from day one when the wife showed Autry to me. My daughter and I were talking of putting Christmas decorations on Autry in...
Those thoughts have come to mind on numerous occasions but the contractor was fired by us for not doing what he was suppose to do or half doing...
Given that it was suppose to be trained professionals who put on the addition you can rest assured there will be a lot of double checking of...
If what we see is just the tip of the fungus-berg then I hate to see what awaits me in the crawl space below. The thoughts of a monster fungus...
For safety sake the room is kept closed and semi-sealed the wife wears a mask whenever she goes in.
The pleurotus ostreatus doesn't look like Autry but of course as I have told the wife the variances on this thing could be endless. We are still...
In Little Shop Of Horrors Autry did eat people - feed me. With that in mind, Autry could eat the wife or I on her way to the second floor....
The wife is of the same opinion that it could something else and we're still researching. Comparing what we see to what we have is harder than...
Thank you so very much for the info. I will get right on researching what you gave me.
The attached plant (Autry) was found growing out of the baseboard of a room addition in the metro Atlanta, Georgia area. It was cut down and...