I have planted several species of Eucalyptus here in my North Vancouver garden, starting in 1990. Our garden is at about 400ft above sea level, on...
How high up on the North Shore do you live? There are several eucalyptus species you might try. Generally speaking, the hardiest species are...
Dicksonia is only half-hardy in the Vancouver area. This depends a lot on where you are. The nicest ones are planted in a building entry atrium...
You might try using Eucalyptus gunnii (the Cider gum). This species hails from Tasmania and is almost hardy in southern coastal BC, although it...
Arbutus 'Marina' should do well in So. California. I swa nice specimens in Disneyland this February, growing in the ticket booth area between the...
Evergreen oaks in Vancouver B.C. Just as a note of interest, I have been experimenting with evergreen oaks in my garden in North Vancouver BC for...
Mature arbutus - advice Jill, If your multi-stemmed arbutus tree seems healthy then I would not be concerned about the 'hollow'. Could you...
Cordyline indivisa - they will root sprout I had a 5 x 5 foot specimen in my North Vancouver garden. It was planted as a 5 gallon specimen in...
The plant pictured is Yucca recurvifolia (not Cordyline indivisa!). This yucca is completely hardy in Zone 7.
Falling leaves Yes, the arbutus sheds its older leaves in summer. This is completely normal! While it is a bit of a bother to have to rake...
Arbutus - how fussy? Arbutus trees are reasonably adaptible, but they do have some specific requirements. While they do not occur naturally in...
Dying monkey puzzle Do you live at 27th Street at Mahon Ave? Has the tree been living in the same place for nine years? Or, was it...
Prune it off I would remove one of the double stems. If both stems originate from the same trunk then there is always the risk that one of them...
Dead monkey tree Ask the nursery to replace it under warranty. Most reputable nurseries will provide a one-year replacement guarantee. The only...
Root rot? Hi Jim, Monkey puzzles are very hardy in your area. The cold we experienced last winter (about 10F) is well above what they can...