I know the Smilacinas have been reassigned to Maianthemum, sorry. Some of them...
Is it too late to reply to this? Armstrong really is a different climate from Kelowna for sure, but not too different from Vernon. Its got a wet...
Has anyone tried using Sambucus cerulea for this purpose? Its everywhere here, and I have a couple of huge ones in my garden. Gets covered in...
Hi Alex, Whiskey and Chimera, thanks so much for the enthusiasm, the most recent photo is definetely not the one I have. The leaves are more...
Hi Alex, the tag resurfaced but its illegible. It is hand written and says Acer A something, but I dont trust it to be right. To answer your...
It MAY be grafted, but it will not be easy for me to tell at the moment, as it is pretty much covered in 3 feet of snow with only the upper branch...
My apologies, Ron, in my ignorance of species of horticultural Acer, I thought you were identifying this as "A. palmatum ssp shinasawanum", and as...
I perhaps did not post this in the correct group, not knowing there is a Maple forum here. Can someone please tell me what this is, its not an A....
Re: What Acer is this? Thanks Alex, I am pretty sure flavescens for this is wrong. I dont have a good reference for maples, at all. Do you have...
Re: What Acer is this? Thanks Ron, I will check that. I thought it might be flavescens but the leaves are not dissected.
What Acer is this? Can anyone help me with this Acer, its a full moon I think. A bit slow growing, in Castlegar at Zone 5b in part sun part...