Another conifer you could use for a screen/hedging and is drought tolerant is upright Junipers. The blue/silver needle ones such as Wichita Blue...
Hi Daniel, Yes I'm aware of the various causes of fasciation, etc. Just wondered if anyone has noticed an increase in it in concentrated areas...
We've had the same issue with our Forest Pansy's at work. I also lost an Eastern Redbud in my garden . I suspected Verticillium wilt. Anne
Do you have a photo of the die back and the tree to share? Thanks.
A friend is documenting numerous samples of Fasciation and Proliferation of dandelions, red clover and roses in her neighbourhood in East...
Looking at the stem again I think it might be Jatropha. Cheers!
Thanks pmurphy for your helpful information. I have phoned Art Knapp's locally and they don't carry it. I will try Long Lake Nursery…I was...
It may be Begonia luxurians or closely related. It is native to that area.
I am on Vancouver Island in Nanaimo and I'm trying to source about a dozen Microbiota decusatta plants. It seems that nobody carries this conifer...
Use a species of Pyracantha. Good berry colour (select for good consistent colour among the plants when purchasing), flowers in spring, good...
It looks like a Euphorbia but not certain of the species. You might be able to find information online about propagation from cuttings. Anne
A Birder's Guide to everything sounds good! Where can a person see it? Thanks, Anne Kivari
I'm looking for 3 Juniperus communis Compressa to add to a dwarf conifer garden we are building at work. I'm on Vancouver Island but can't find...