I dared, in my ignorance of all the background information and my Just Joined status! Of course, just in case it counts, open sourcing the recipe...
JT, can you share the recipe?
Thanks for your insight Jim!
Jim, the seller told me the plant comes from either Japan or Korea. He always refers to this variety as Deshojo but he has no clue about...
This is very interesting Jim! Thanks. Can I have your opinion on what type of Deshojo the following tree of mine is? Emery, I'm really puzzled by...
I found some interesting pictures from a link in the resource page, with pictures of both: Deshojo and Shindeshojo. Now I'm pointing more to the...
From a few pictures I checked one difference could be that early Deshojo leaves have 7 points while Shindeshojo tend to have 5 and the other 2 do...
Thanks for the info maplesmagpie! I'll check the links. I'm starting to think the one I got (see pic above) is a Deshojo...
It just seems strange to me to use a different name for the same cultivar and not having a selling point to support it. I'll add what you say to...
Hi Emery! I read that: "'Shin' means "new" indicating that this cultivar is a later improved selection of the well known 'Deshojo'" and, somewhere...
Hello everyone! I'd be really curious to know: How you can distinguish a Deshojo from a Shindeshojo. I read the leaves are a bit different but I...