I googled the two words; neonicotinoid pesticides The neonicotinoid family includes acetamiprid, clothianidin, imidacloprid, nitenpyram,...
Good luck,they are lovely plants when in flower.
UBC Botanical Garden Forums That would sort it out. I expect it depends how the admin area is sorted, how it manages a href linking back to...
I was thinking the same as togata...Red Lily Beetles. I never heard of them flying in swarms before..
This might be helpful Narf, Welcome to the forum! How to Prune a Money Tree to Keep the Leaves Low to the Twisted Trunk Without the Long Stems
Great Images!
Yes Wendy, me and passwords have the love hate relationship. I have known me elsewhere to get a password, it work then not work. Seem ok here.
Sorry, I would'nt know which now. Its ok. Thanks Wendy!
I registered a password at registration then tried to log in. My password worked the first time logging in. Some days later I tried to login at...
I tried two answers but I don't think anyone asked mine. I came across a forum where I had not enough privileges. Is it the post count thing...
Many thanks! I have some new seed Livinstonia australis I would like to germinate. I also visit a hospital and got some fresh Trachycarpus...
Its an Ensete which needs draining before storing. Ensete do not tolerate freeze. Normally kept indoors, example might be an attic or...
I bought my first palm from this site in the UK: Palms Exotics | Palms Another site, this one is in Holland:...
I bought a new Trachycarpus fortunei but that is coming up with brown and a hole in the first new spear. We can never be sure if in transport they...
Nice seedlings, look very healthy. How did you germinate , and how long did they take to germinate?