thank you very much for the kind reply... have a great day
Thank you LPN for your reply.... what do you mean by cutting or air layering...? how to do them......? thank you again and wishing you a happy...
thank you rima for your reply... nothing like that in the others... this one is getting fainter as time goes on... the others are good in...
Hi... I have noticed that all the leaves of one complete plant of my Dieffenbachias is getting faint in colour....!!! the dark green is getting...
Thank you Marn for advicing...... my plants are great and I don't think there are such infection...though, I will look for it... I am watering...
thank you very much, ..... i have read long back some thing about some deficient minerals / nutrients can affect the plants by incurving.....!...
rotting was the problem and I was wondering this might be a source for seeds...?
do you mean that humidity might help incurving....? e.g: misting..?
Hi, any idea how to propagate ficus benjamina..?
I am more than proud and happy because of flowering...but the problem what to do with them........? they rot and I made no use of it at all, but...
Thank you for replying...nothing alllllll to be happened before and stopped of it's own..i could not figure out what was...
Hi there; please if any one can help me in identifying a great problem affecting my HUGE is the incurving of the leaves and...