Chris, you helped me a lot. See the former message I sent. An additional information is that I've seen a specimen of the C. hidmannianus ssp....
I have another plant that I could identify as C. peruvianus monstrosus and thei differ in so many aspects. See in...
It's desert-tropicals a reliable fount? I found in the above address the confirmation of Ron B. sugestion....
I'm grateful for the quick answer to my former question. I've another plant (see the photos attached) that seems be a Cereus forbesii, but I've...
Thanks! Thanks to Ron B. It's really a Senecio stapeliaeformis G.D. Rowley, syn. Kleinia stapeliformis. Now I can call the plant by it's...
English is not my first language and I apologize for the mistakes. I have bought the plant in the attached photo in a Garden House. Some...