Thanks for your info! I'll see what I can find in this town of mine and let you guys know how things turned out.
So any kind of insecticidal soap will work?
I have a insect problem on my Meyer Lemon and Key Limes tree. I had noticed the leaves on my lemon tree start to yellow and brown up and then...
Thanks for the advice Oscar!
I first planted the seed on February 20th and I noticed that it sprouted on April 22nd. Would now be a good time to re-pot this seedling? The...
Would now be a good time to re-pot this tree? The stem is 80 millimeters from top to the top of the soil, the largest leaf is 75 millimeters...
Junglekeeper is right about how growing citrus trees can be addictive. I just picked up myself a Meyer lemon tree this weekend. Gonna go re-pot...
Update: Finally got one of my macadamia nut trees to sprout. =D I just saved myself $160. That's how much I saw a macadamia nut tree selling...
Limes. I use them mainly in my cheesecake recipes and my father loves them in his rum and cokes. =D
Thank guys! Now I can repot my tree with a little more certainty that I am not gonna kill it. If I don't get called into work tomorrow that will...
That's why I wanted to come on here and ask people who know more about this before I go ahead and wreck my tree. Should I just mix the brick with...
Here's a little update on my tree. It is starting to grow new leaves at the top of some branches and it seems to be recovering. I finally...
I think you might be overwatering your tree. My Key Lime tree was dropping its leaves and most of them were curling up. From what Millet told me...