hi. Garrik! just thought that you should get to know this site as well... you might find it interesting... ;O)...
Re: New Beech Forum - Welcome! it's tru that it's commonly found in some areas this 'tortuosa' form... still it's also true that long collecting...
...it also seems that by sowing you will end up a big procentage of female plants... and you must have also male for those selicious fruits...
.this seems to be the same all over the world... =O(... The strange part is that many of these tefts are done by individuals who end up destroying...
... hopefully you have not planted your 'yougster' much deeper than it used to be at the nursery... since that can be rather big a problem for the...
I have allways wondered how come u.s. of a/ or rather people living in there never started planting hundres or thousands of acres new Sequoia...
thanks smivies... i could not have listed any places... ;O))
Re: New Beech Forum - Welcome! hi... it just makes me wonder why all participants here rave here about the european beech... why don't you people...
...ok... just wanted to add that these finnish hardy rhododenrons should be available also there in north-america also... good luck with your...
...hmm... ever considered planting some clematis X hybr. amongst your rhododendrons...'HpyTwoBMe'.... then you have flowers for the summer
mostly it's matter of lack of water during winter... that is why cold and winds dry up the plants... ;O)
hi... If you are after some really winterhardy rhododendrons the you should check this site...
...i'd be seriously concered if this happened to our crabapple... =(... since - at least - here in scandinavia these trees tend to be quite...
here you have a nice red magnolia... and of good size... ;O) Black Tulip (Vulcan x.) Mark Jury hybrid. Heavy textured black red blooms perch,...
http://www.umsciences.org.uk/gardenflora/cordind.htm ok... got to say thanks... now i'm a bit wiser... ;O)