Thanks. Guess I can forget that idea.
Fortunately it is in a pot at the present time. I'm wondering if it is possible to stunt it's growth by keeping it in a pot. Any thoughts on...
Below is a picture of a tree leaf and I'm hoping someone can identy the tree. The leaf measures 10 inches wide and 7 inches long. Whatever it...
No. I'm on Long Island.
Thanks for the info. Sure do appreciate it. Regina
Thanks all for the input on Polkweed. I knew this site was a good one. Well, now that fall is nearing, I am going about my gardens and...
From what I have read, birds only survive because the seed of the Polkweed is too hard and unable to break down while passing through the their...
Thanks. It was a good read on it.
Yes, I totally agree with you, but this Polkweed did not choose it's place....I did after visiting a relative who had it growing in their yard....
I feel pretty stupid growing a weed in my garden. Thanks for letting me know. I will be sure to remove it tomorrow.
It will produce bluish-black berries that the birds love to eat. I have no idea if it is poisonous. Does anyone have an idea what it is? Regina