Our new raised beds.

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by Keith Elliott, May 4, 2021.

  1. Keith Elliott

    Keith Elliott Contributor

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    Anglemont, B.C.
    I see it has been a couple of weeks since my last posting. As we all know, the temperatures have been nothing less than brutal. While I have done my best with the watering, and everything has been growing like tropical bamboo, today I was greeted by a large majority of the veggies appearing to be about half past dead. Pretty discouraging after all the work we put into it. The only section that seems to be untouched is the potatoes, and I will guess that is due to the shade cloth. This evening I added more shade cloth, enough to cover the entire long bed. Then I added some of that awful black plastic cloth, as a temporary measure, over the elevated beds. Too dark by the time I had finished for a photo op, which I will try for in the morning.

    Val has now suggested that we use the soaker hoses for the raised beds (why didn't I think of that?) which I will see if I can rig up tomorrow morning.

    Here's the spuds as they appeared this morning, plenty of flowers!

    Acerholic and Margot like this.
  2. Margot

    Margot Renowned Contributor 10 Years

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    Nanoose Bay, BC Canada
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2021
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  3. Keith Elliott

    Keith Elliott Contributor

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    Anglemont, B.C.
    Not sure if we could do that or not. Once we get the first serious snowfall we are usually stuck with an average of at least two feet on the ground until February or March. I will ask one of the locals.
  4. Keith Elliott

    Keith Elliott Contributor

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    Anglemont, B.C.
    Check on the veggies this morning reveals that a good portion of the veggies are bouncing back. I am in awe of what plants are capable of doing under such incredibly hot circumstances.

    I see that we are still due to get insanely hot weather today, so we will see how the shade cloth helps out.

    At the moment I have some soaker hoses running by the flower beds near the driveway and they can stay there for a couple more hours. Then I will move them to the raised beds below. I think I'm running out of new connections for all this watering paraphernalia!

    IMG_5969.JPG IMG_5970.JPG IMG_5979.JPG

    Uh-oh...just heard half a dozen gunshots. Calling the RCMP now.
    Xi-feng and Acerholic like this.
  5. Keith Elliott

    Keith Elliott Contributor

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    Anglemont, B.C.
    Welcome to the new planting year in Anglemont!

    Thus far, Val has the greenhouse completely full of seed flats and various pots. Heaven only knows what's going to happen when everything needs transplanting. Unfortunately, the incessant rain has been preventing us from spending much time in the garden, except for mowing the grass between showers.

    We are in the process of revitalizing the soil in the raised beds. We already have some 50 onions coming up in one spot. I don't think the strawberries are going to survive, with the possible exception of one plant. We will have dozens of pepper plants again, along with a goodly collection of peas and beans, both of which are in desperate need of transplanting.

    We will not try corn this year, as last year was a disaster. Potatoes are in the ground, but I didn't think much of the bag of seed potatoes. I guess we shall see in a couple of weeks.

    Val has several flats of flowers of which I know nothing. Trying to find space for everything will be a challenge once again.
    Acerholic and Margot like this.
  6. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    So great to see you back on the forum Keith. I look forward to all your updates this year. Looks like all the hard work you and Val have put in will pay off.
    Margot and Keith Elliott like this.

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