A novice lawn question!

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by Keith Elliott, May 2, 2021.

  1. D97x7

    D97x7 Contributor 10 Years

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    Somerset, England
    Here's another thing scarifiers are good for with the height raised right up.
    This is a normal mower with a scarrifing cartridge fitted.
    Excuse my enthusiasm at the end lol
    Keith Elliott likes this.
  2. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    That's going to save a lot of work in the Autumn Keith. It's great when you can get more out of one machine.
    Keith Elliott likes this.
  3. Keith Elliott

    Keith Elliott Contributor

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    Anglemont, B.C.
    That's not a bad idea! Would the dethatching attachment not work as well on the high setting?

    The de-thatcher attachment we have for the electric mower is just a blade similar to the cutting blade, but I don't like it in the least. Our lawn isn't flat by any stretch of the imagination, and I suspect that's why it doesn't work very well. It either scalps the grass right off the ground, or it leaves big hollows. Not really the fault of the machine of course, just the landscaper!

    But on the Sunjoe, I bet that de-thatcher will work like a charm as it is a rotary type just like the scarifier. For one thing it only takes a 12" wide swath, so it follows the lay of the land better. When I get to use it, I will post a pic, along with the results.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2021
  4. D97x7

    D97x7 Contributor 10 Years

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  5. Keith Elliott

    Keith Elliott Contributor

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    Anglemont, B.C.
    I'm going to guess that we have about 85% conifers here, so not much in the way of leaves to try and clear up in the fall. But might as well try to kill two birds with one stone as it were.
    D97x7 likes this.
  6. Keith Elliott

    Keith Elliott Contributor

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    Anglemont, B.C.
    I am told that we will be fertilizing the upper lawn tomorrow, weather permitting. Unless someone advises otherwise, I will give the lawn a trim before we do that.
  7. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    A Summer feed is never a bad thing for a lawn, as long as you get some rain in the next few days, if it is a dry fertiliser.
    I always used a liquid feed in July as this did not cause any problems with burning.
    Just to add, I never fed in August onwards.

    Keith Elliott likes this.
  8. Margot

    Margot Renowned Contributor 10 Years

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    Nanoose Bay, BC Canada
    Taking a page out of @Keith Elliott 's book, I submit a photo of my sweetie cutting the lawn 4 years ago. (It has been cut once or twice since.)
    He didn't know I was taking pictures but I did check with him before posting this. (Hint, hint, Keith.)

    Thanks to the deer fence and irrigation, you can't even see the neighbour's house anymore.

    EDIT: I meant to add that he won't let me fertilize the 'lawn' anymore because it makes it grow too fast and he hates mowing (plus it aggravates a neck problem).

    Lawn mowing.png
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2021
    Keith Elliott, Acerholic and D97x7 like this.
  9. Keith Elliott

    Keith Elliott Contributor

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    Anglemont, B.C.
    Now @Margot, do you really think I wouldn't tell Val that her picture is being posted? It just doesn't sound as exciting that way.

    Just went outside to trim the edges of the top lawn and it was just starting to have the lightest drizzle. By the time I was done, only about 15 minutes, it was starting to rain steadily. It looks like I caught the beginning of the next few hours of steady rain, so the lawn won't be getting mowed today. Tomorrow looks wet as well.
  10. Keith Elliott

    Keith Elliott Contributor

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    Anglemont, B.C.
    Yes, it is a granulated fertilizer of some nature. But considering that the rain we are now experiencing, I don't think it will matter if it waits a few more days.

    Incidentally, I just watched a video on what to do with all the grass clippings, and it appears that what I'm doing now is all wrong. That shouldn't surprise anyone. It seems that it is a good idea to spread the clippings as a mulch on veggie beds or the flower garden. All I have done until now is to toss the clippings in a pile, which has resulted in a matted mess exactly as the video shows. Now I will use a pitchfork to try and loosen it up somewhat - after this rain stops - which may or may not happen today. Although the radar says it should be gone in another few hours.
  11. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Mixing the clippings with other items in your compost heap is essential Keith. So sorry none of us mentioned it.
    Re using it as a mulch for veg etc etc. Sounds good in theory, but you will be weeding forever if you do.
    A bit like using horse manure that has not rotted down fully. The seeds germinate very quickly indeed.
    Just thought I would mention it.
    Georgia Strait and Keith Elliott like this.
  12. Keith Elliott

    Keith Elliott Contributor

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    Anglemont, B.C.
    Well thank you for mentioning that D. Yes, I was aware of that from before, mixing with other material, and yet on the video (which of course I have now forgotten who posted it) he does point out that the grass clipping mulch actually reduces weed production. Although he does specifically single out thistles, which he notes need to be dug out and disposed of. I should see if I can track that video down.

    Plus I remember that the small composter that we have comes with very specific instructions as to what sort of things you should be mixing. The first load we got out was really great stuff. Second load nearly ready and we've started on the third load now.
  13. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Totally understand Keith, it's all-out light reduction. But tbh those grass seeds do find a way through in my experience.
  14. Keith Elliott

    Keith Elliott Contributor

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    Anglemont, B.C.
    Today was certainly interesting weather-wise. Showers, heavy overcast, sun, rain, more sun and MUCH more rain later in the day.

    Both lawns got mowed after all, as we did actually have some sun between the showers. Val did get the fertilizer down in time before the last batch of rain hit.

    We also used the scarifier to try and give the lower lawn some life, but after about an hour (or less) of use, it refused to start! How nice...now I have to bundle it back up in the original box, take it on another 112 km drive to Kamloops and order a replacement. I just hope that it doesn't take as long for the new one to arrive. This one took just a few days less than a month.
  15. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    That is so annoying when a newly bought item packs up like this. But tbh better it packs up now than a day out of warranty. So do look on the positive side Keith and tbh it's rather late in the year for scarifying lawns now.

    Keith Elliott likes this.
  16. Keith Elliott

    Keith Elliott Contributor

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    Anglemont, B.C.
    Yes, I was getting a bit worried about any scarifying now, as you say. But the one thing we do notice, is the more rain we get, the better the lawn looks. But the ground still needs plenty of help.

    As to that machine, it looks like it is made by the same Chinese manufacturer as a cordless mower we had. It was a 21" version, and it too packed it in after just a few uses. No trouble exchanging it, but it's still a nuisance. We got a 17"mower - same brand - which has been perfect ever since. I read number of reviews on the larger machine, and out of the two sizes I noticed that all the non starting issues were with the 21" version. I don't see any other sizes of the scarifiers, otherwise I might try for a different one.

    I will be sending off an email to the company today.
  17. Keith Elliott

    Keith Elliott Contributor

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    Anglemont, B.C.
    After having waited the better part of a month for the first scarifier/dethatcher to arrive, you can imagine my surprise when we returned this one today and the lady said "Oh, it looks like we have 28 in stock, so you won't need to wait". So we were in and out of HD in nothing flat with the new one in the car. Tomorrow I will put it together and might as well finish the job on the big lawn.

    We didn't touch the upper lawn by the driveway, as it appears to be in excellent condition.
    Acerholic and D97x7 like this.
  18. Keith Elliott

    Keith Elliott Contributor

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    Anglemont, B.C.
    Got the scarifier together quick like a bunny this morning. Did the lower lawn and the used the dethatcher after that. Picked up a lot of thatch but didn't seem to make too much of a mess of the lawn. Val then fertilized the lower lawn and added a mix of peat moss and garden soil to the holes where she had dug out some of the bigger weeds. Then ran the seeder over the entire lawn in the hope that some of the bare spots will start to grow. All we can do is try.
    Acerholic and D97x7 like this.
  19. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    That together with some warmth and rain showers you are expecting is going to be a perfect recipe for a lovely lawn Keith.

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  20. Keith Elliott

    Keith Elliott Contributor

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    Anglemont, B.C.
    I hope you are right there D. We have the risk of thunderstorms this afternoon and evening, and we usually get a big downpour when those guys arrive. Short lived, but intense. Cool this morning at 10.5ºC right now, heading for only 19º this afternoon.
  21. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Fingers crossed it won't wash away all that lovely seed Val put down.
    But I'm sure in a couple of weeks you will be outdoing Wimbledon with some lush green grass. And no silly people scuffing it all up. Lol.
    Keith Elliott likes this.
  22. Keith Elliott

    Keith Elliott Contributor

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    Anglemont, B.C.
    Not sure about the Wimbledon thing, which I thought was quite hilarious, but with the scarifying, the seed should get washed down into the small crevices. I think those little crevices are only about 3/8" - give or take - in depth. But should be enough to hold the seed.

    Val did give it a light sprinkle after she was done yesterday, so we are hoping for the best. There shouldn't be any need for us to go on the grass until the next mowing, which could be several weeks away now. Still haven't got the pathway made, or the gates hung. Will likely get to that today. Can't quite seem to keep up with everything that needs to be done here it seems!
  23. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    I will stop pestering you then Keith. Jobs to be done!!! Lol.
    Keith Elliott likes this.
  24. Keith Elliott

    Keith Elliott Contributor

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    Anglemont, B.C.
    Oh no, you can't do that. It's the best excuse I have for not doing something!
    Acerholic likes this.
  25. Keith Elliott

    Keith Elliott Contributor

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    Anglemont, B.C.
    After more delays than I care to admit, the lower lawn has now seen the installation of the gates on the arbour. Now we can stop putting criss-crossing bits of wood in front of it overnight. Just have the side pieces of lattice to do now, but that has no effect on the deer access.

    Acerholic and D97x7 like this.

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