Where does this video take place?

Discussion in 'Conversations Forum' started by BPBP, Aug 24, 2006.

  1. http://youtube. com/watch?v=iRO4JP81HPo&feature=PlayList&p=E4E005279265AF65&index=9

    Folks -- Don't think I'm a pervert... :) I'm just curious as to where these folks might be in the world. The park they are in looks so familiar. Can anyone tell based on the flora? Feel free to email me at bluepepper1973@yahoo.com. Thanks!
  2. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    If anybody really wants to see the video, feel free to remove the space I added in.

    It is likely a marketing ploy, though. This "phenom" of YouTube had a domain name registered in her name one month prior to posting vids on YouTube. So, this is just a way of getting everyone talking.

    (and the original question would be more appropriate on YouTube accompanying the video anyway, since thousands of people will see it there and only a few curious folks here)
  3. Daniel et al -- I posted the question here having nothing to do with the video and whether it's a marketing ploy or not. I'm actually just curious to see whether anyone here has an idea on where they are in that particular video. It looks very familiar, but I can't place it. Any help is appreciated.


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