Training a quince tree

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by samcdona, Apr 18, 2017.

  1. samcdona

    samcdona New Member

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    I have a quince (Le Bourgeot) still in the pot it came in. It has several small branches very close together, a few feet up a ten foot length, and all of the quince I've seen in nurseries locally look like this. The fruit trees I have most been attracted to, in my travels, have been pruned to be open centre branching very close to the ground (like those at The Cloisers in NY), and that's originally what I wanted. As it ages, my quince will be somewhat contorted too, I'm told, but Google hasn't helped much to see the forms of many mature quince. I'm not so old, I can wait a bit for my tree to grow (cut it a bit this year, if I won't kill it, prune harder later, in late winter, let it develop stronger roots). Is this a really dumb thing to want to do to a tree that is already big? Might it grow smaller anyway if let to it's leader? I've been reading about pruning and training fruit trees, but I'm still a beginner.

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