Identification: Tiny reddish-orange mushrooms

Discussion in 'Fungi, Lichens and Slime Molds' started by NorthPeace, May 30, 2017.

  1. NorthPeace

    NorthPeace Active Member

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    Fort St. John, BC Canada
    On the ground in a deciduous area in northeastern British Columbia, I discovered this cluster of minuscule reddish-orange mushrooms. The caps are inverted and slightly scalloped. They are so tiny that two or three could fit inside the circumference of a lady's ring. Thank you for help with identifying it.

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  2. Frog

    Frog Generous Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    B.C., Canada
    Beautiful and intriguing!

    Your photo helpfully shows key details including size, burnt ground habitat, stalk/colour, no gills on "underside" of cap/cup, same colour interior/exterior, scallopped rim.
    Which eliminated many things and it is also something I have not run into before.

    The strong red colour limited the choices to a small number of mushrooms.
    Sarcoscypha coccinea I thought was similar/possible but the habitat and exterior colour/texture of the cup don't match.
    The scalloped rim and overall shape/size matched other burnt ground inhabitors, but I was not familiar with that strong red.
    Other red/orange candidates lacked a stalk.

    Finally I came across Microstoma protractum! This appears to be a perfect match - I had never heard of this fungus & mushroom before, and I am very excited and will be looking out for it!
    I just came back from your area, sadly did not have any extra time to contact you to see if I could look at this cluster in person.

  3. NorthPeace

    NorthPeace Active Member

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    Fort St. John, BC Canada
    Thank you for persevering until you found an answer! I appreciate your diligence and your detailed reply.

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