Swiss cheese plant?

Discussion in 'Araceae' started by Barbara Lloyd, Jan 17, 2009.

  1. Barbara Lloyd

    Barbara Lloyd Well-Known Member

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    Anacortes, Washington, USA
    Gave a talk on low to mid light houseplants a while back. Had one plant I figured was an Araceae of some sort but did not have a good botanical name for it. One person told me that she knew it as "swiss cheese" plant.

    Have been reading thru old posts with regard to "Swiss Cheese" plant and sites on the internet and now I'm really confused! Hope I get this right..... (Steve or Ron B?) Please give me the correct wording/order if it's wrong
    Cultivar..........adisonii or,
    leichtlinii or,
    friedrichsthallii or, are they all speaking of the same plant?
    Most pictures have nothing to denote scale or size so it's hard to tell.

    I'm not referring to the common big 'split leaf' philodendron, rather the smaller, more papery leafed one, with mainly holes in the leaves and only a few splits clear to the edge. Any help will be greatly appreciated....barbara
  2. lorax

    lorax Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Toronto, Ontario
    Monstera deliciosa is usually what is meant by "Swiss Cheese Plant" but with the leaf style you're describing it's more likely to be a mature Pothos (Epipremnium spp) or one of the less common Monsteras (like the three species you listed - they're three different plants.) Pictures of your plant would help immensely with pinning down an ID - aroids are notoriously variable, and it's normally nearly impossible to make an ID from just a description.

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