shaping young hawthorn tree

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by Adastrian, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. Adastrian

    Adastrian New Member

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    Perth Western Australia
    Hello Everyone, I have just acquired a Pauls Scarlet Hawthorn. It was still in a pot and I have just planted it in what it seems to be a good position according to the information I have researched. I noted with some interest an archived discussion here on a problem someone had with a mature tree, with regard to incorrect pruning and loss of shape and blossom to suckering.

    So my question is that this tree I have planted has some very low branches, and I would prefer to encourage more of a trunk. Will I damage if I prune these lower branches from this young tree (at the right time of year of course and perhaps over the next year or 2) to encourage more of a canopy of growth or and more distinct trunk? Even a v shaped trunk would be better than a lot of low growth 9especially with the thorns), but should I worry about its integrity as it matures? I have taken a photo with my secateurs as a guide to show just how low these branches are. I have no experience with planting new trees; have only ever dealt with mature ones! Have a feeling I am about to learn!! So any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

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  2. vitog

    vitog Contributor 10 Years

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    Burnaby, Canada
    Hawthorn is in the same family as the apple; so the same pruning rules should apply. I would remove immediately whatever branches are not desirable. Leaving these branches will only make them grow larger, and it will take longer for the pruning cuts to heal. Just be sure to prune properly: not too close to the main trunk and not too far away. Check the Web for photos of correct pruning cuts.

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