September 2016 - favourite leaves

Discussion in 'Talk about UBC Botanical Garden' started by wcutler, Sep 25, 2016.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    People don't seem to get excited about green leaves, but we were very excited by this Schefflera minutistellata and could not figure out why we haven't seen it before. The accession date is 2014, and there should be one from 2011 somewhere that we haven't seen. We liked the double circle of leaves.
    Schefflera-minutistellata_UBCBG_Cutler_20160916_P1270392.JPG Schefflera-minutistellata_UBCBG_Cutler_20160916_P1270396.JPG Schefflera-minutistellata_UBCBG_Cutler_20160916_P1270398.JPG

    Here is the Schefflera delavayi that we have posted before.

    This is Idesia polycarpa, with nice tiers of leaves, and nice red leaf petioles. There are a few in this area, so hopefully, one is female.
    Idesia-polycarpa_UBCBG_Cutler_20160916_P1270496.JPG Idesia-polycarpa_UBCBG_Cutler_20160916_P1270494.JPG

    I like Tetracentron sinense leaves, and the only tree we knew was a much older one with leaves way up there, so I was happy to find this youngster.
    Tetracentron-sinense_UBCBG_Cutler_20160916_P1270422.JPG Tetracentron-sinense_UBCBG_Cutler_20160916_P1270423.JPG Tetracentron-sinense_UBCBG_Cutler_20160916_P1270424.JPG
  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Flickr user 翁明毅 has posted 122 photos of this species growing wild in Taiwan:
    Search: idesia polycarpa | Flickr

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