Mystery tree

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by rll, Jun 6, 2004.

  1. rll

    rll Member

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    Indiana, United States
    I need help identifying this flowering tree. I found it growing in a city park in west central Indiana. It currently stands about 10 or 12 feet tall and from May through June it blossoms with large masses of small white flowers. Each mass is conical in shape, measures about one foot in length, and is composed of hundreds of flowers. Each flower has four petals with perhaps two stamens and appears to yellow somewhat as it ages, as does honeysuckle. The flowers are extremely fragrant and attract a wide variety of insects, such as small bees, flies, butterflies, and goldenrod soldier beetles. Any help in identifying this tree would be greatly appreciated.

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  2. Ivory silk lilac tree

    The tree in the park that the butterflies like is an Ivory Silk Lilac Tree. It stays relatively small and flowers in June.
  3. rll

    rll Member

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    Indiana, United States
    Thanks for the help!


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