Monkey puzzle tree

Discussion in 'Araucariaceae' started by Jean Scott, Jun 10, 2002.

  1. Jean Scott

    Jean Scott Member

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    The following was received via email:

    Would very much appreciate receiving info on a Monkey puzzle tree. I live in Windsor Ontario and was recently in Vancouver visiting my family, and had a chance to buy a small monkey puzzle tree. It has 2 shoots of equal hights growing on one single stem. I would like to cut one shoot off and am wondering if- and how I could root that severed branch (about 8 inch tall).
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2004
  2. HortLine

    HortLine Active Member 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC
    The Monkey Puzzle Tree, botanically known as Araucaria araucana, originates from the volcanic slopes on the Chilean side of the Andes mountains and into Argentina.

    This coniferous tree can be propagated by taking cuttings, 7 to 10 cm long from vertical shoots in midsummer and root in a cold frame. Cuttings taken from the horizontal side branches will never form an erect tree.

    Please note that this tree is grown in zones 7 to 10. Chances are unlikely that this tree will survive in Windsor, ON.
  3. I live in Windsor aswell, and actually have seen a slightly mature specimen of this tree - although I cant remember where, growing in our city. It is hardy down to about 5' F -> It RARELY dips even close to this cold in Windsor (note this is Canada's most southerly city). With proper extra care, and perhaps some winter protection until it is mature enough to survive on its own, this tree might have a chance.
  4. Im traveling to vancouver and i came across this "monkey tree" as people are calling it and i was wondering what it sprouts from. Is it a seed or and acorn tree? I could just buy one but im taking the bus home and i fear it may die.
  5. I live in Seattle and have two tree's in my front yard at least 80 feet tall. The female is just now bearing seeds which the birds love. I have gathered about half a bushel of them and wonder if anyone has a recipe for the seeds?
  6. I, too, live in Seattle. Would you be willing to share/sell some seeds? Be happy to pick them up. Please email back to Thank you.
  7. monkey puzzle seed or starts

    I live in Hillsboro,Or, I too am looking for some seed or starts. Would gladly pay for shipping please email me at
  8. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    WA USA (Z8)
    Ordinarily grown from the large seeds. Trees bearng pistillate (female) stobili (cones) litter the ground with them in season, if fertilized with pollen from nearby staminate (male) strobili. These are usually borne by another tree, but some trees bear both pollen and seed cones.
  9. monkey puzzle seed

    I am looking for some seed myself. .Is there anyway you could send me some. Would be willing to pay shipping. I can be reached at
  10. Looking to start growing my monkey puzzle forest

    I am interested in obtaining or purchasing monkey puzzle seedlings or seeds to germinate. I live in north Seattle, WA. I would be happy to come and pick them up or pay for shipping. If anyone could assist me in my quest, I would be grateful. thanks Rogers
  11. I just returned from a visit to the northwest, and am also looking to purchase some money puzzle tree seeds. I live in Alabama, and we are in zone 8, which is the same as the Washington coast.
    Anyone with a supply or information please email me at:
    Thanks for any info.
  12. monkey puzzle problem 2

    I own a 6f tall monkey puzzle tree, and winter is closing in in Eastern Pennsylvania.

    it looks like it is Zone 6 here, and I am wondering what can I do to ensure the survival of my tree throughout the winter (last winter we had temperatures of 5 F !!).

    Please, someone can tell me if I should cover the tree or something?

    Do I need to put it in my livingroom?

    It is a tall tree for my living room ... anyhow, thank you for your interest.
  13. I'm from Chile and I've seen araucarias or monkey tree in very cold places in my country. I don't think they will die with the snow because were they are it usually snows.
    There is a whole tribe that is called araucanos because they like to eat the seeds of this tree, which are actually very tasty. The seed is called pinion (with the spanish letter enie)

    Good luck with your tree.
  14. I have at least an 80 ft. monkey puzzel tree in my front yard. I'm wondering if it can be transplanted, (I'm sure there's a massive expense to this, I just can't bear to cut it down, and it's busting out of the retaining wall.) I'd also like to know how to share the seeds. The pods are huge and contain hundreds of single seeds. How do you even get to them? Climbing the tree is out of the question, hence the name of the tree. Any info about this beauty would be helpful.
  15. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    WA USA (Z8)
    The ground will be covered with them after the cones begin to break up.
  16. happygardener

    happygardener Member

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    wis usa
    I live in Seatle area and would really love some seeds from monkey tree. Will pay for shipping. Please email me at

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