Monkey Puzzle tree with browning tips on lower limbs

Discussion in 'Araucariaceae' started by battles, Nov 18, 2003.

  1. battles

    battles Member

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    Long Beach, WA
    Our mature (25 ft high) monkey puzzle tree has recently ( 3 months ago) started developing browning on several of its lower limbs. In addition, it has started leaking sap from one area, and, to our knowledge, there was no injury to the tree anywhere. The upper part of the tree seems very healthy but we are very concerned. We do not fertilize the tree but did water it this last summer a little as it was such a dry summer here on the peninsula. Any diagnosis or suggestions on care?
  2. HortLine

    HortLine Active Member 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC
    Araucaria araucana (monkey puzzle) sometimes sheds lower branches when conditions are not ideal for growth. For example, the species is not shade adapted nor tolerant of poorly drained soils or poor air circulation. While it is somewhat drought tolerant, the last few years have been extremely stressful, even for many established plants. Monkey puzzle do not have the ability to shed individual leaves, so under conditions of root distress or inadequate moisture, entire branches are shed.

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