June 24, 2014 - white rhododendrons

Discussion in 'Talk about UBC Botanical Garden' started by wcutler, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    There are still rhododendrons in bloom. These are both white with very large flowers, not previously posted here, but the first one was featured on Botany Photo of the Day in June, 2010.
    Rhododendron glanduliferum, a grove of at least 20 of them. No splotch markings on the flowers.
    20140624_UBCBG_RhododendronGlanduliferum_Cutler_P1090612.jpg 20140624_UBCBG_RhododendronGlanduliferum_Cutler_P1090614.jpg 20140624_UBCBG_RhododendronGlanduliferum_Cutler_P1090613.jpg
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    Rhododendron decorum subsp. diaprepes 'Gargantua', a very large tree. I was a long way from being able to touch any of the flowers.
    20140624_UBCBG_RhododendronDecorumSubspDiaprepesGargantua_Cutler_P1090617.jpg 20140624_UBCBG_RhododendronDecorumSubspDiaprepesGargantua_Cutler_P1090619.jpg 20140624_UBCBG_RhododendronDecorumSubspDiaprepesGargantua_Cutler_P1090621.jpg 20140624_UBCBG_RhododendronDecorumSubspDiaprepesGargantua_Cutler_P1090624.jpg

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