Home Depot mystery tree

Discussion in 'Maples' started by dangerine49, Sep 9, 2017.

  1. dangerine49

    dangerine49 Contributor

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    Long Island, NY
    So I went to the Depot yesterday to pick up some potting soil. I happened to notice some new additions to their JM stock. There were about six or seven trees all about 5 feet high, green,healthy and all marked with same information. It was definitely different than anything I have now and for $35 I couldn't pass one up.

    The hang tag identifies them as Acer Palmatum with a picture of a red dissectum. The receipt says it's an Acer Dissectum Green. The back of the hang tag has a Plant Code identifier of THDA1601 which brings up the following link:


    The picture there looks like an Atropurpureum. So I'm guessing that's what it is but why is it green? Too much sun? Not enough sun?

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  2. 0soyoung

    0soyoung Rising Contributor

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    Anacortes, WA
    It looks like the generic 'green' acer palmatum to me.
    Do you suppose a grafter had some unused root stock and was 'cleaning house'?

    BTW, generic green is a great for bonsai.

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