Identification: Found in my Front property - Mission BC

Discussion in 'Fungi, Lichens and Slime Molds' started by Joel Bolete, Oct 23, 2011.

  1. Joel Bolete

    Joel Bolete Active Member

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    Mission BC
    The first/forth Photo I am thinking is the 'Ink Cap' almost positive on this one but some confirmation would be nice.

    It grows in the grassy/mossy lawn under semi shade. slight sloping ground. they grow in clusters but not under any particular tree. Though the property is surrounded with conifers, birch/alder and black berries.

    The second/fifth photo is of what I can only surmise as being a russala species. Bulbous base dense flesh. white gills, normal mushroom scent. a hearty mush. they seem to be growing under the cedars and conifers throughout the yard. (3acres) So many of them just pushing up from under the moss. they are big too, some are fist sized and smaller. the older ones seem to have a cracking cap as you can see from the photo.

    The third is what I can only see as being a Bolotus editus? or brown bolete. I will cut and see if a color change takes place but i am sure that nothing will happen as ive seen these for 3 years running now.

    Thanks allot for your help in id. I want to know if i can EaT em!

    lol im a hungry woodsman.

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  2. MycoRob

    MycoRob Active Member

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    yes, #'s 1&4 are some kind of Inky cap.
  3. MycoRob

    MycoRob Active Member

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    #2&5: I haven't seen a Russula like that one. Is the cap fragile - does it break apart and crumple easily (Russula)? Rub your thumb on inside of the gills - does it feel waxy (Hygrophorus)? Or, are the gills notched before the attach to the stem (Tricholoma)?

    #3 is a Leccinum. Some people eat these with no ill effects, while others (including myself!) get really, really sick from some.
  4. Joel Bolete

    Joel Bolete Active Member

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    Mission BC
    Thanks Rob,

    The information that you so quickly came up with for identifying these mush was extraordinary.

    I tested your direction right away and found this,

    the gills attach to stem - Not Ticholoma
    The gills are not waxy at all - Not Hygrophorus
    The cap and gills are extremely fragile, crumbling and cracking away from the body is shards almost. the cap will break off in large parts with little force applied. - Possible; Russula

    I have attached a small video to showcase my findings.

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    Last edited: Oct 23, 2011
  5. MycoRob

    MycoRob Active Member

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    No one has every posted a video on here before - very nice!

    Yes, sure fits the criteria for a Russula, like you originally suggested. Just not one i'm familiar with, but there sure are a lot of Russulas.
  6. Joel Bolete

    Joel Bolete Active Member

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    Mission BC
    I have just eaten the Inky Caps.

    Mixed them with a can of Campbells Mushroom soup, some fresh thyme, fresh rosemary, and fresh itallian parsley. Added ritz crackers and viola; dinner deliciouso

    ...if i go blind later ill get my wife to post.

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