Apple Tree solution at last!

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by Precious, Jan 20, 2018.

  1. Precious

    Precious New Member

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    Cariboo North BC
    Just like to say a thank you to everyone that gave advice on my apple tree pollination problems. I had apple trees that I had bought (from my uncles nursery) and after about 5 years of waiting for apples to grow on them my goats busted into my garden and decimated one of the apple trees and the other one is a miracle survivor. But it was blooming really well, even if it had most of it's bark eaten off it, for 3 seasons after the damage so I left it be. I finally got a combination apple tree last spring and my old apple tree grew lots of apples!!! And guess what i found out after the old apple tree produced? They had both been the same variety!!! Parkland, both. When I bought them the tags on them said one was Parkland and the other was a Heyer. :) So now we at least have found out what our problem was and I am over the moon about it lol!

    Again, thank you everyone for your time.


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