16 August 2016 Bulbils Harvested

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by Durgan, Aug 16, 2017.

  1. Durgan

    Durgan Contributor 10 Years

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    Brantford,Ontario, Canada
    http://durgan.org/2017/August%202017/16%20August%202016%20Bulbils%20Harvested/HTML/ 16 August 2016 Bulbils Harvested
    Five garlic plants were harvested which were left about a month longer in the ground after the main harvest to produce fully mature bulbils for planting in October for the 2017/2018 crop of rounds. The bulbil seed head was wrapped in gauze to prevent the bulbils from dropping when they matured. Compared to bulbils harvested during the main crop event the matured seed are about a third larger, which translates into larger garlic (rounds). All the bulbils are large and healthy. A bulbil head produces many seeds probably around a 100. The garlic bulbs were starting to split indicating full maturity. Bulbs are larger than when harvesting before splitting and I have found they keep as long as harvesting bulbs before maturity which is the convention. This year I harvested in July no splitting, since we had exceptional rainfall and rot can appear if this is too extreme. Pictures depict the processing.

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