12 July 2017 Black Currants

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by Durgan, Jul 12, 2017.

  1. Durgan

    Durgan Contributor 10 Years

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    Brantford,Ontario, Canada
    http://durgan.org/2017/July%202017/12%20July%202017%20Black%20Currants/HTML/ 12 July 2017 Black Currants
    Four pounds of black currants were picked from two garden bushes and made into five liters of pressure canned juice. Currents are awkward to pick so I use a basket and screen which is swiped along the branch to remove the berries. It works reasonably well. The berries are cleaned by floating the debris off in a water bath. About a liter of water is added for each pound of berries and pressure canned at 15 PSI for 15 minutes. The juice is slightly tart, since no sugar is added. Four more bushes were planted today giving a total of six. Black currants make excellent juice. Photographs depict the process.


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